• Inside Journal is having Conferences, please stay tuned !

Proposal for Conference/ Symposium / Event :

  • Proposals for special issues, conference issues or sponsored issues should be directed to the Editor-in Chief editor@insidejournal.org. Proposals should include a two-three page rationale for the special issue, outlining the gap in academic knowledge and practice it is hoped to address. They should include a one page CV of any proposed editors and an outline of the conference or symposium arrangements proposed.

    We will give priority to sponsored issues, that is to say where the publishing costs of the special issue are defrayed by an academic or industry sponsor. We reserve the right to vary these requirements as the editor deems appropriate. We also reserve the right to merge issues together into one including special issues and regular issues, the special issue then becoming a section of a regular issue. This is normally done when there are a relatively small number of papers in a special issue.

Guidelines :

  • Proposals should include following.

    » The journal for which the Special Issue is intended
    » A suggested title for the Special Issue (should not exceed 10 words)
    »Proposed Aims and Scope, giving an overview of the Special Issue’s intended focus and a list of the topics to be covered
    »A list of Guest Editors who will join the Lead Guest Editor in managing the Special Issue, including their names, emails, affiliations, and a short biography (one paragraph) of each of the Guest Editors
    »A proposed timeline and schedule which includes:
            »Deadline for submission (6 months from the initial Call-for-Papers)
            »First round of review (3 months after submission deadline)
            »Tentative publication date (3 months after the first round of review)

    All proposals are subject to approval by the journal following a discussion of the proposed Special Issue among the journal’s Editorial Board.

  • Instructions :

    • Please follow below set of instrcutions for smooth publications at IJ.

      » Please download the ManuScript from IJ Home Page
      » The Guest Editor task is to manage the peer review of submitted manuscripts.
      » The Guest Editors should recommend papers for publication only on the basis of academic merit and subject appropriateness.
      » The Guest Editors should check the plagiarism of all papers with iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts (should less than 30%)
      » The Guest Editor has to submit Approved Paper along with iThenticate Certificate stating Plagiarism.
      » The Inside Journal Editor-in-Chiefs decision will be final whether paper to be published or Rejected.
      » The Cost of publication per Article/ Conference issue might varies depends on the condition of the Author.

      Finally Approved Conference/ Seminar Issue will be processed upon payment recieved and publishing date will be announced within a week.